WordPress Blogs and Search Engine Optimization

January 1, 2011 | by

Credit goes to the developers of WordPress for building an application with search engine visibility as a concern. Nevertheless, users can make their blogs in WordPress more visible in the search engines by following some simple steps.

Build a WordPress Theme that is structurally geared towards SEO

Doing an SEO friendly blog does not depend on the choice of theme used. Whether using one of the available templates or an original theme devised by the user, what’s important is that it meets current web consortium standards. Themes that adhere better to these standards get good standing with search engines.

Good content structure is also a key aspect. Choose themes with structures that allow for the content key terms to be placed nearest to the start tag.

To further enhance search engine visibility of a theme, headings should be used in all titles and category names. This will imply to search engines that these items are to be prioritized in their indexes rather than other text content that are also in the blog.

Making the Blog Easier for the Search Engine Spider to Crawl

Adding elements to the pages of a blog that will make them easier for spiders to locate is a good SEO tactic. Being included in a search engine index starts with being crawled by the spider. Smart bloggers will make use of a plugin called Google Sitemaps to generate an XML file that will list the available URLs of the blog. The sitemap will be in a format useable by most of the current search engines.

A supplementary tactic is to lead the spiders to a content section that caters to related posts, which can be located below the posts themselves or in a separate sidebar. Other plugins are available for this task. Practicing this step not only promotes SEO, but can also keep blog viewer interest in the website by directing them to other content in the blog site.

Create Updates and New Content to Maintain Good SEO Standing

The search engines are designed to continuously add content to their indexes. Like blog viewers, they hunger to absorb new content. For this reason, creating new blog content regularly is like hitting two birds with one stone. By posting updates, the interests of the blog viewers are stimulated as well as making the blog become more search engine friendly. The downside is that sometimes this practice can be cumbersome for the blogger. This is remedied by having a ready reserve of blogs that can be posted as the need arises. Planning ahead will keep the blogger from being swamped.

Blog posts should always be written in a way that optimizes the blog site in the search engines, and this includes writing the reserve posts. One tip to easily achieve this is to concentrate on a couple of keywords at the most for every post.

Make Use of these SEO Techniques and Watch Your Blog Rise to the Top

Search engine optimization does not come easy. But by using these tips on SEO for their blog, blog owners increase the chance of their blogs being returned more in search engine results. Being listed in results will make the blogs more visible to searchers, and ultimately more read.


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